Tuesday, 12 July 2011


this website is F.A.B!!! i have bought some great products for me and the hubster and they are such good quality and work like a dream!!!
check it out girlies it's your one stop shop for your health and beauty needs!
Recently celebrated mine and the hubster's 1 year wedding anniversary (June 14th) on holiday in Turkey it was beautiful and a chance to relax with my habibia and forget the world for a week...but...i'm still a hijabi and I couldn't resist taking a few snaps...

Graduated from uni with a 1st in LLB (Hons) Law...wooohooo!!! Alhamdulillah...Allahu Akbar!!!

How r u girlies doing? This post has been a long time coming i know but uni is over and the job hunt has officially started...